KAILI KASK is a dollartist, whose skillful fingers and boundless imagination have given birth to a countless unique doll characters since the early 1990s. Individual doll characters have reached both players and collectors around the world and have participated in several exhibitions in Estonia and . Kaili is also a great mood artist and creator of inspiring spaces. Everyone who has visited the Voronja Gallery by the Lake Peipsi or the tARTu store in the neighborhood store Karud ja Pojad has benefited from the spacemagic created by Kaili.

Kaili has long-term creative cooperation and friendship with Karud ja Pojad.

In December 2020, the studio store Karud ja Pojad had Kailis small puppet exhibition "Groom's Party 1978 or a scene in a red suitcase", which has now become a tradition and reopens at the end of each year. A selection of doll characters is also available here: / shop / children / games / doll characters

For herself

Girl with a fly

Rabbit with a giant carrot

Rabbit with a paticulary rich carrot harvest

Sword swallower


Fearless lion tamer




Girl with red boots

Backyard princess

Backyard princess

Valentina with a microphone

Valentina with a vinyl skirt

Valentina the messenger

Valentina the lover

Girl with a cuddlebunny

Boy with a teddybear

Girl with a cuddlekitty

Announcers of the spring

The girl is the green grasshopper

Hopper the bug


Green beetle

Striped beetle

A large insect with buttons

Horned beetle brooch